
About Konchu

This is my little slice of the web for all things me.

I am a Anime Fan and Gamer with a moderately unhealthy collecting habit but I am getting better. I have been a games since I was a tot sneaking up early to squeeze an game of Astromash. I have been into Anime since around 1992 my 1st anime was on a VHS a friend made me had only 2 subtitled Anime on it Baoh, Maddox 01, and raw episodes of Dirty Pair Affair on Norlandia and 1st episode of Bubble Gum Crisis. I have been a regular attendee at Project Akon in Dallas since 1994 and have only missed one con, And I am also a regular at Animefest.

I appreciate some pretty strange strange humor which I will be sharing here. But all in all this is really just a blog and an excuse to play with a webpage it has been too long. I guess I could post these things on Facebook or Google+ but then I would have to be Social and way to convenient. But hey at least its not flooded with links to a lost puppy/other furry non existent animals on a part time job in the guise of a game.


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