In my search for a better drawing app for my android table I came across the application Sketch n Draw by Abhishek Kumar. And I have found in my 30 minutes of usage to be pretty fun and neat sketching effect and really look forward to using it some more I am by no means […]
Charlie Parra Interesting Metal Remixes
I came across the name Charlie Parra today looking at a Game “Santa Rockstar HD” this game is an indie game that features Heavy metal carols Ala a Guitar Hero. And it looks like the are running a promo on the game at the moment and one of the bonuses is the sound track which […]
Mmmmm Fiber
Saw this picture in a bar tonight had to share, this is a version of the picture I googled for better quality.
Talking Shit
I would imagine some variation on this quote existed before I made this but it popped in my head and had to make this poster using an image from a Google search. Enjoy.
Here is my little contortionist sawing some zzz’s
Cool Police Car
I saw this cool Police car at Walmart the other day sadly I missed the picture of the little black and white kitty that jetted out from under the car. Which makes it funnier cause this was a K9 unit and I can only imagine how that little kitty had probably peaked the dog’s interest. […]
The Strange things NPC’s Do.
I was playing through the initial stage of Skyrim when I noticed my partner in arms had a arrow through his Neck quite strange and sadly he didn’t hold still so I could get a good shot till the sneaking area but funny none the less.
Gratuitous cute ferret picture.
Here is my little buy this picture is a little old but too cute not to share.
Jurassic Park Jeep
I saw this interesting pic on here. What makes this interesting to me is I saw a similar Jeep in my parking garage. There are some differences here such as the one on kotaku has black interior but none the less I think seeing a nice version of this jeep in person was cool.
Gas Station Near where I work has some interesting signs.
It sort of looks like an Q in HO but close inspections show otherwise. Just the way I like my Burritos with all natural Gas the kind from Beans not artificial additives.